[ Pumpkin ]

Samsara: The Magazine of Suffering

Celebrating 30 Years in the Small Press

Editorial Staff

Lisa Flach-Fulcher

- Managing Editor

R. David Fulcher

- Editor

Samsara Issue #24 Now Available Online in PDF Format - click here to view!

Click to hear Samsara's Interview with Tony Russo on "So, What's Your Story?"

Check out J.D. Brayton's historical novel The Light Horse

The Light Horse

Samsara Reading Status


[ mail ] Submitting Online? Email here rdfsamsara@gmail.com



Support the Great Outdoors! Join The Sierra Club

Have feedback for the Editing Team? Take the Samsara Magazine Survey


The Story of Lily and Lucy is now available!  A portion of the proceeds benefit Animal Rescue.

Blood Spiders and Dark Moon receives Honorable Mention in 2014!

[ Honorable Mention ][ Blood Spiders Book Cover ]Blood Spiders and Dark Moon

The Dimensions SciFi anthology is now available!

[ Dimensions SciFi Anthology ]Dimensions SciFi Anthology

NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS: If you have submitted to Samsara while the reading period is closed, your manuscripts have been retained for review and consideration once Samsara re-opens its reading period.

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Samsara Magazine's next published issue, Issue No. 25, will be a special commemorative issue celebrating over thirty years in the small press.

The issue will be full color, perfect bound and may offer a few hardcover collectible editions.  

Cash prizes will be offered for the best fiction and best poetry submissions and an option to include the accepted literary work's author's bio. 

Due to the special nature of this issue, Samsara will have an extended reading period from May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.

Please note the dates of the extended reading period above.  It could be a year or more between submission acceptance and publication.

Submission guidelines remain the same and can be found here.

Looking forward to reading your submission! 


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Author bios have been posted for Issue #24:

Issue #24 Bios

Thanks to all of the contributors in Issue #24!


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Issue #24 has been published and copies are being mailed to contributors this week and next.

If we have accepted your work for this issue and you do not receive your contributor's copy by mid-October, please contact us.

Additionally, if you have sent us your author's bio consent form, your author's bio will be included in the author's bio page that will go live on the site in late October.

Thanks to all of the contributor's in Issue #24!


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We are editing and assembling Issue #24.  We expect to publish the issue in late September.

If we have accepted your work for this issue and you have not provided your author's bio and photo (optional), please do so.


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Happy Spring!

The reading period for Issue #24 closes on May 31, 2023.  If you are interested in submitting to the current issue, please submit soon using the email link above or sending a hardcopy submission to the P.O. Box.


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Empress & Soldier (Empire’s Legacy) by Marian L. Thorpe is a sweeping epic taking place in ancient times. While the lands of Casil, Qiperta and Boranoi are fictional, they remind me of Athens, Sparta, and other locations in ancient Greece. There are many great aspects of this novel that will appeal to almost any reader. One of the most important qualities of the novel is that the writing draws the reader into the scenes as if they were living them out. One can feel the chaotic clash of steel during the battle scenes and hear the hushed whispers of spies and lovers in the quieter scenes. That is another one of the great aspects of the book – whether you prefer action, romance or politics, this book has a little  bit of everything for you. Both male and female readers will have something to identify with, as the book changes the point of view between many characters. For example, several chapters are devoted to Druisius, a young man recruited into the military, while others are dedicated to Eudekia, a young noblewoman of Casil.  The author can make all points of view feel authentic, which is a rare gift. The book is also an excellent value, providing an impressive fifty-one chapters of content.

If you are a fan of stories involving epic struggles between nations, with a fair share of romance and passion thrown in for good measure, Empress & Soldier (Empire’s Legacy) is a must read.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Time flies.

It seems like only yesterday that I opened a post office box in College Park, Maryland to accept submissions for a new literary journal named Samsara: The Magazine of Suffering.    The year was 1993, and I was a student at the University of Maryland.  During my studies I came across the Buddhist concept of samsara, the continuous cycle of suffering and rebirth until one achieves enlightenment.  Of course, my twisted college brain immediately thought:  “Why wouldn’t that be wonderful!  A literary journal based on suffering!”

Well, maybe there was a  bit more to it than that.  After all, the official theme of the journal is artwork, poetry and fiction centered around suffering and healing, the latter being arguably far more important to us as human beings.

Through the years, the magazine’s reach has expanded (we’ve published writers from Africa, Canada, Mexico, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom), and my wonderful wife Lisa Flach-Fulcher joined the effort as the Managing Editor, vastly improving many of the day-to-day operations of the journal. 

Despite these changes, Samsara has remained true to form, only accepting works that emphasize the central theme of suffering and healing.  Beyond that, the magazine has no genre restrictions, and we’ve been amazed by the variety of ways that artists and writers have incorporated these themes into their submissions over the years.

We expected stories from cancer survivors, those recovering from addiction, and those mourning a lost love.  All these themes are critically important to Samsara.  But the creative spark will not be denied, and we received pleasantly unexpected new spins on suffering and healing as well.  Consider the suffering of an alien race slowly perishing due to a dying sun, or a vampire with dementia.  Consider a man plagued by the voice of a subway train that lures him to his death, or a paranoid individual convinced that fish live in his waterbed, giving him incurable insomnia.

All these ideas and more have appeared in Samsara’s pages, thanks to the ingenuity of our contributors.

Thank you to everyone that has joined on us on this publishing journey, and all of those interested in submitting in the future. Without you, there would be no Samsara Magazine.

Here’s to 30 more years!!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 01-26-2023:  Contributor Karin Ciholas has a new novel THE LIGHTHOUSE

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Contributor Karin Ciholas had a story "The Secret of Umbria" featured in Samsara Magazine in 2000.  Here is information on her new novel:


Full Title: The Lighthouse (The Cyrenian, Book 1)

Author’s name: Karin Ciholas

Publication date: November 15, 2022

Publisher: Atmosphere Press
ISBN-13: 978-1639885930 / 978-1-63988-732-3 (Ingram)
Retail Price: $19.99 Trade Paperback
Genre: Historical Fiction
Page Count: 410
Audience: Adult

Synopsis: Simon is a gifted physician who faces constant danger as a Jew in first-century Egypt under Roman rule.

When Meidias, an escaped convict, declares a “holy” war against Jews and abducts Simon’s sister, Simon’s search for her leads him on a treacherous journey to slave markets in Alexandria and to Jerusalem where a Roman soldier forces Simon to carry a crossbeam for a stranger. Simon is troubled by the stranger’s death but does not know that this moment will change the world forever.

Simon’s passion is Aurelia, inaccessible daughter of a Roman senator. His mission is revenge against the outlaw Meidias. His ambition is justice for his family and his people. His torment is the conflict between his Hippocratic oath and his vow to kill Meidias.

As his medical reputation grows, he comes face to face with prefects and emperors and the poor suffering masses of Alexandria and Rome. Overwhelmed by the plight of his people, he tries to stop what becomes the first pogrom in Alexandria.

THE LIGHTHOUSE moves between Egypt and Italy and back to Alexandria. It is a story about family love and loyalty, medical breakthroughs and heartbreaks, and one man’s quest for justice for his people.

About the Author: Karin Ciholas was born in Virginia and grew up in Switzerland where she studied classical languages. The study of Latin and Greek led to her fascination with the ancient world and its history. She earned advanced degrees in languages and comparative literature at UNC Chapel Hill and enjoyed teaching modern languages and courses on the ancient world. She has won twelve awards for her short stories and plays. She lives in Sarasota with her husband, author and theologian Paul Ciholas. 

Please consider checking out Karin's new book!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Samsara wishes you a Happy Holiday Season and Joyous New Year!

Those of you who have submitted fiction or poetry for Issue #24 in 2022 should start hearing back from us in the New Year.

If you haven't yet submitted but are still interested, the reading period is still open.

Happy New Year!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Samsara is now open to submissions of fiction, poetry and artwork.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 06-13-2022:  Issue #23 - AUTHOR BIOS. POSTED!

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

The author bios. for Issue #23 have been posted!  

Please use the link in the upper left-hand corner of the site to read about our amazing authors.


-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 06-08-2022:  Issue #23 - Update on Author Bios

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We are working on the Author Bios page for Issue #23 and it should be published on the web site sometime this month.

Thank you for your patience.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 05-02-2022:  Issue #23 - READY TO SHIP

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Issue #23 has been printed and is ready for shipping.

Contributor copies will be shipped out shortly.

Thank you for your contributions!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 03-31-2022:  Issue #23 In Progress

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We are currently assembling and editing Issue #23.

Contributor copies should ship by the end of April.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 11-30-2021:  Acceptance/Rejection Letters Going Out in December

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We are close to reviewing all submissions for Issue #23.

Acceptance/Rejection letters will be mailed out in December.

Happy Holidays,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 02-27-2021:  2021 Reading Period Announced

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Samsara will re-open the 2021 reading period on June 1, 2021 and close the 2021 reading period on September 30, 2021.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 07-16-2020:  Author Bios Posted

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Most of the Author Bios for Issue #22 have now been posted.  There are a few pending items that are still being resolved.

If you submitted a Bio Consent Form and do not see your bio, and have not yet contacted us about it, please do so.

Also, if you see any errors in your bio on the web site, please contact us as well.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 07-02-2020:  Update on Author Bios

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

The bios for Issue #22 have been somewhat delayed, but we are now in the process of converting and formatting them for the website.

An announcement will be posted later this month when the author bios page for Issue #22 is online.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 06-04-2020:  Issue #22 - SHIPPED

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Issue #22 has been shipped and we have heard back from several of you that it has been received already.

If you don't receive your contributor's copy by the end of next week (6/12), please contact us.

Author's bios should be posted on the Web site by the end of June.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 05-25-2020:  Issue #22 Status Update

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

Issue #22 has been submitted to the printer and should ship in early June.

We apologize for the delay and hope you all continue to be well.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 05-11-2020:  Issue #22 Status Update

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We hope you and your families are safe and healthy during these difficult times.

Issue #22 is undergoing final edits and proofing and is planned to go to the printer by the end of May.

We apologize for the delay and hope you all continue to be well.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 04-08-2020:  Coronavirus

Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We hope you and your families are safe and healthy during these difficult times.

The realities of the Coronavirus have impacted us with additional pressures and priorities here at Samsara, and the publishing date for Issue #22 is being pushed back to May-June.

We apologize for the delay and hope you all continue to be well.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

We have started mailing acceptance notices out for Issue #22.  

Please query if you have not received notice about your submission by March 31st.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

The current reading period will end on December 31, 2019.  

Additionally, Samsara is changing to an annual publication.  The publication of Issue #22 is scheduled for April 2020.

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors and Subscribers,

The Author Bios page for Issue #21 has been updated.

If you are a contributor and would like a revision to your bio, please contact us at rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors,

The reading period for Issue #21 is now closed..

If you have a query about something already submitted, please request the status at the Samsara email address: rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors,

Due to an increased level of submissions and interest, the reading period for Issue #21 has been extended to May 31, 2018.

If you have a query about something already submitted, please request the status at the Samsara email address: rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors,

The reading period for Issue #21 is open until April 1, 2018.

If you have a query about something already submitted, please request the status at the Samsara email address: rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Dear Contributors,

Happy 2018!

Acceptance and rejection letters are currently being mailed.  If you have not heard anything yet about your submission, please request the status at the email address rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Best Wishes,

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Samsara Magazine is now open to submissions of poetry, fiction and artwork.  Please review the Writer's Guidelines for more information.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Issue #20 is currently being shipped.  Information on ordering additional copies is located in the Writer's Guidelines.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Issue #20 will be available to contributors and for purchase on November 1st.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


Issue #20 will be available to contributors and for purchase in October 2016.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor


The reading period for Issue #20 is now closed.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 03-05-2016:  Samsara Issue #20 - CLOSING TO SUBMISSIONS 04-15-2016

The reading period for Samsara Issue #20 will be closing on April 15, 2016.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 09-15-2015:  Samsara Issue #20 - OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS

Samsara is currently open to submissions of fiction, poetry and artwork.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 05-29-2015:  Issue #19 Shipping! / Special Author Discount

Issue #19 has been printed and contributor's copies should be mailed next week.

Due to the delays surrounding Issue #19, contributors will continue to have the ability to order additional copies at half price (USD $2.75) for their patience.

Thank you Issue #19 contributors!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 05-06-2015:  Issue #19 Under Final Review / Special Author Discount

Final edits are being made to Issue #19, and then the issue will be printed and shipped.

Due to the delays surrounding Issue #19, contributors will have the ability to order additional copies at half price (USD $2.75) for their patience.

The shipping date will be posted soon, and thank you for your continued patience!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 03-29-2015:  Issue #19 Author Bios have been posted!

 Check out some of the fascinating authors and artists to be included in Samsara Issue #19 by visiting the AUTHOR BIOS. #19 link.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 03-21-2015: Issue #19 Delayed until April 30th / Author Bios Update

The release of Issue #19 has been delayed until April 30th, 2015.  Author Bios for Issue #19 will be posted on the Web site by March 31st.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 02-09-2015: Author Bios are due by February 28th, 2015

If you have received an Acceptance Letter for Issue #19 please note that your author's bio and consent form is due by February 28th, 2015.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 09-04-2014: Decisions on submissions for Issue #19 to be mailed in September 2014

Decisions on submissions received within the reading period for Issue #19 will be sent out within the month of September.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 04-07-2014: "Pancakes in Heaven" Editor R. David Fulcher's poem "The Rain" recently appeared in the inspirational journal "Pancakes in Heaven". To learn more about this publication, send a letter to: Cory Meyer/Editor Pancakes in Heaven 8275 Lost Lake Drive West Saint Germain, WI 54558

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 04-04-2014: MORE COPIES OF ISSUE #18 BEING PRINTED We are out of Issue #18 and printing more copies. Order your copy today! Payment of $5.50 by check or money order to: R. David Fulcher, Samsara Magazine, PO Box 467, Ashburn VA 20146-0467

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 02-21-2014: SAMSARA READING PERIOD NOW CLOSED Samsara is currently closed to submissions. All submissions received during the reading period are under review.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 10-04-2013: SAMSARA READING PERIOD OPEN! Samsara is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction and artwork between October 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 06-30-2013: Samsara Editors Visit the Big Apple!

On June 22, the Editors visited the The New York Book Festival at the Radisson Martinque in NYC. A powerful reading was given by Dr. Neal Hall, and numerous panels were conducted on the craft and future of writing.

Coming soon we'll be posting reviews of books from this book festival and others.

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor

-R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 01-12-2013: Author's Bio Section/Contibutor's Copies Happy 2013 artists, poets and writers!

We are in the process of developing the Author's Bio section of Samsara for Issue #18.

If you are a contributor of Issue #18 and would like to be included, but have not yet submitted your author's photo and bio, please do so.

Bio information and photos can be emailed to: rdfsamsara@gmail.com or mailed to the PO Box address.

Also, if you are a contributor of Issue #18 and have not yet received your contributor's copy of the issue, please contact Samsara and we will get you a contributor's copy.

Samsara would like to wish you much prosperity and success in the coming year!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 11-15-2012: Samsara #18 has Shipped!

Contributor and subscriber copies have shipped.

NEWS UPDATE 10-15-2012: EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! The current year's issue is now available. Here are just a few of the treasures that you will discover within these pages:
  • In the stream-of-consciousness poem "Numb", the poet delights the reader with a playful use of language
  • In the heart-wrenching poem "I Did Not Know or Did Not Care", a man grieves for absolution that may never be given
  • In "The Swerve", the poet contemplates the physics of dying
  • Visions of espionage and spy thrillers are conjured by "Midnight in a Concave Mirror"
  • In "Letter to Nyland about the Gully" the poet reflects on deep snowfall and deeper conversations
  • ...and many more!
Thanks to all of the contributors and subscribers for your interest and support.

Contributor and subscriber copies will be mailed no later than 10/31.

Extra copies may be ordered for $5.50 via check payable to R. David Fulcher.

Author bios will be posted online early in the New Year.

Please enjoy Issue #18!

-Lisa Flach-Fulcher, Managing Editor -R. David Fulcher, Editor

NEWS UPDATE 06-12-2012: Samsara Email Address Updated

The Samsara Magazine email address has been updated to: rdfsamsara@gmail.com

Please use this address going forward for all electronic correspondence.


NEWS UPDATE 05-15-2012: Reading Status Update

Issue #18 is currently closed to submissions. 56 submissions are under consideration! Thank you to all contributors. Submissions received after 05-15-2012 will be retained for consideration for Issue #19.

NEWS UPDATE 01-05-2012: Happy New Year! Open to submissions...

Happy 2012 contributors and subscribers! Samsara is now open to submissions of artwork, fiction and poetry!

NEWS UPDATE 11-07-2011: Issue #17 Now Available!

Issue #17 is now available! Contributor and subscriber copies have been mailed out and should arrive within the week.

NEWS UPDATE 10-15-2011: Samsara Exhibits at Western Maryland Regional Small Press Fair

On October 15th, the Samsara staff made the trip northwest to Frostburg, MD to represent Samsara Magazine at the Western Maryland Regional Small Press Festival sponsored by Frostburg University's Center for Creative Writing. It was a beautiful Fall day in the mountains of western Maryland, and a creative vibe was in the air. Numerous guests picked up sample copies and writer's guidelines, increasing the exposure of our humble publication. Some of the other small presses featured as the festival were Raw Dog Screaming Press and Florida English.

Ron Hull's book, The Kaleidoscope Effect, is a sci-fi wonder! Click here to order and learn more:

[ The Kaleidoscope Effect Cover ]The Kaleidoscope Effect

My new book, The Lighthouse at Montauk Point, is now available! Click here to order:
[ Lighthouse Book Cover ]The Lighthouse at Montauk Point

Also available as a KINDLE E-BOOK! --> Click here to order:
[ Lighthouse Book Cover ]The Lighthouse at Montauk Point


Last Revised: January 26, 2023


Samsara, The Magazine of Suffering, P.O. Box 467, Ashburn, VA 20146-0467.

Accepts both poetry and fiction submissions. Poetry accepted up to two typed pages and fiction between 500 - 5K words (query for longer). If possible, stories should be submitted in both hardcopy and electronic MS Word 2003 or higher. All submissions should include the theme of suffering; however, there can be a positive resolution at the conclusion of the piece. All genres are accepted. Simultaneous submissions ok if noted as such. Cover letters are appreciated. FNASR only and pays in one contributor's copy. Back issues are available for $4.50, and the recent Issue #16 is available for $5.50. Please make checks payable to R. DAVID FULCHER.

Some Featured Writers:

TIPS TO WRITERS/POETS: Bear in mind that Samsara accepts mainstream, science fiction, fantasy, and horror that has suffering as its theme. All of the above types of stories/poetry have been published in Samsara. Make sure you give me honesty, intensity, and fresh imagery.

You may wish to query first before sending your manuscript due to the fact that Samsara has a somewhat irregular reading schedule. Electronic queries are okay, but I do not accept electronic submissions at this time.